Wait... Eka Pada WHAT!?
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
If they repeat it 3 times and you still don't get it just smile, nod and slowly back away 😂.
Derived from the Sanskrit 'Eka' meaning one 'Pada' meaning foot 'adho' meaning downward 'mukha' meaning face 'svana' meaning dog and 'asana' meaning pose. In short; 'One foot/legged downward facing dog'.
It has 'dog' in the name simply because it derives from the way dogs naturally stretch their backs.
This pose is believed to open
Chakras are believed to be energy centres in the body
The muladhara provides stability and grounding.
The manipura; confidence and self-motivation
The ajna; inner knowledge and imagination.
Teaching Tips:
Begin in downward facing dog.
Practise spiralling the outer, upper arms towards the back of the mat and inner, upper arms towards the top of the mat.
Press into the space between the index finger and thumb.
Arms in line with ears.
Draw the belly towards the thighs.
Heels towards the floor.
Sitting bones reach towards the ceiling.
Engage the thighs.
Press through the hands and shoulders.
Press weight down towards the heels and up through the hips.
Breathing in and out through the nose.
Lengthen one leg towards the ceiling, reaching through the toes.
Careful to keep both shoulders square to the mat and weight evenly spreading through both hands.
Opening the hip, try to stack one hip over the other and bend the knee.
Pilates Instructor
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