Parivrtta Trikonasana
(Revolved Triangle Pose)
Parivrtta Trikonasana derives from the Sanskrit 'Parivrtta' meaning revolve, 'Trikona' meaning triangle and 'asana' meaning pose.
This pose strengthens the inner thighs and stretches the hamstring muscles. It opens the chest and activates the deep core muscles improving balance and focus.
This pose is believed to open the Svadhisthana (The Sacral Chakra) which is believed to improve creativity, passion, pleasure, the expression of sexuality and a sense of joy.
Teaching Tips:
Step the feet apart and align the heel of the left foot with the heel of the back foot. Point your back toes towards the top right corner of the mat.
Bring the left hand to the lower back and draw the shoulder blade back and down.
Reach your right arm over head and begin to lean forwards with a lengthened spine.
Place your hand wherever it falls; this may be on the shin, ankle or the ground (or you may place your hand on a block). You may place your hand either on the inside or outside of the foot (inside tends to be a little easier).
Now begin to turn your upper ribcage back and your lower ribcage forward to reach your chest towards the ceiling.
Imagine you're holding a block between your thighs to activate the inner thigh muscles.
Continue to draw the left shoulder blade back and finally reach your left finger tips towards the ceiling. Align your arms with your shoulders.
Be sure to breathe and keep pressing into the left big toe and into the heel of the back foot.
If you feel steady, gaze up towards your finger tips.
Pilates Instructor
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