Bakasana (Crow Pose)
Derived from the Sanskrit 'Baka' meaning crane/crow and 'Asana' meaning pose.
Crow Pose strengthens the shoulders, arms and core muscles. It improves balance, focus and concentration.
This pose is believed to open the Maladhara (Root Chakra) which is believed to provide stability, grounding, support, safety, security and is associated with survival.
Teaching Tips:
Begin in 'Malasana' Yogic Squat position. Feet are a little wider than hip width apart and make sure the knees point over the toes.
Practise pressing the inner knees towards the outer arms and the outer arms towards the inner knees so that you can feel the opposition.
Try to lift the chest here and lengthen through the spine. Draw the shoulder blades back and down. This is a hip opening pose. You don't have to squat all the way down, you may squat only some of the way.
Now bring the hands to the ground and align elbows over the wrists. Bring your weight slightly fowards. Gaze straight ahead.
Bring the knees as close to your armpits as you can and imagine holding a block between your thighs.
Engage your core muscles and continue a steady breath.
Begin to lift the heels off the ground keeping the toes touching.
When you feel steady lift one foot off the ground.
Finally practise lifting the second foot aiming to bring your feet together.
Pilates Instructor
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