Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
(One Leg Bridge Pose)
Derived from the Sanskrit 'Eka' meaning one, 'Pada' meaning foot, 'Setu' meaning bridge, 'Bandha' meaning lock 'Sarva' meaning all, 'anga' meaning limbs and 'asana' meaning pose.
This pose strengthens the hamstrings and gluteal muscles and opens the chest and shoulders.
This pose is believed to open the Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) and the Anahata (Heart Chakra).
Chakras are believed to be energy centres in the body.
The Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) is associated with self-expression, listening skills, psychic ability and creativity.
The Anahata (Heart Chakra) is associated with love, compassion, forgiveness, spirituality, harmony, trust and positivity.
This pose is calming and relieves anxiety.
Teaching Tips:
Begin in a basic Bridge pose position.
Feet are hip width apart and outer edges of the feet are parallel. Imagine holding a block between the thighs to activate the inner thigh muscles.
Weight is between the shoulders and keep space between the chin and chest.
Interlace the fingertips drawing the knuckles towards the heels of your feet and shoulders towards each other, opening the chest.
Begin to lift one foot off the ground making sure to press down into the supporting foot, keep the hips lifted and both hips level.
If the hamstrings allow straighten the leg.
Hold the position for 8-10 breaths on each leg.
Pilates Instructor
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